November 12, 2008

Wednesday November 12, 2008
Traditional Healing

Today I am going to writing about another topic that interests me, it is called "Traditional Healing" partially because I just saw Lisa Dolchok at the Alaska Native Medical Center. Lisa is a tribal doctor.

Lisa is more like a Grandmother to me and since my mother is also a "Traditional Healer" following the teaching's of her Grandmother's I find that I too am developing an interest in using the natural world and the medicines of my ancestors to heal.

Lisa and I talked about what kinds of traditional medicines we can use for treating colds like stinkweed or chamomile. My mom uses chamomile in tea for for infusions, steams (to breath in) and for teas to drink when she or anyone in my family gets bitten by the cold bug. Funny, my mom uses chamomile tea as a literal bug deterrant during the summertime. She says that the mosquito's do not like the smell.

It is always nice to see Lisa and we spent quite a while talking. I am going to close for now....


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